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Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Weekend Food
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This weekend was 'use it up weekend'. The man and I went out and did something I consider a major step toward adulthood: we bought our first appliance: a fridge. The sales guy at Sears even teased us about it. "Is this your first appliance?" Yeah, it was that big a deal for me. Our old fridge was literally twnety - plus years old, it wasn't energy efficient, and it wasn't going to make it to next summer. So out we went, three times, to price and hem and haw over eighteen cubic feet of cold storage. In the end, we ended up at the Sears counter, totally overwhelmed and just ready to Buy. A. Damn. Fridge. In the end we actually did a good job picking one out, I think. It came on Sunday morning, and its shiny, its white (not, ahem, 'bone' colored like the former one) and maybe most importantly, I experienced what it is like to really see what it is we eat.
Seriously, all laid out on our table. I wasn't that shocked, organic meats, wedges of cheese, four different kinds of hot sauce...all that I know about. The four jars of pickles, suprised me. All the greek yogurt did too. I'd apparently been hoarding it in the back of our refrigerator, in order to stage a yogurt culture based bid for world domination. I'll come back to cleaning the fridge later this week, as I've signed up for Apartment Therapy's Kitchen Cure (its only been six months since I got my own kitchen and it needs a cure. Thats only a little sad) On the menu this weekend was a whole lotta leftovers, salmon burgers rescued from the deep freeze, eggs, and fruit. I also made my first loaf of toasting bread. You'll get to hear about that tomorrow.
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