Truth Time: I dont bake bread. (banana bread doesn't count, its basically cake,) Want a cake? Want a tart? A pie? sure thing, I'll be over with baked goods in an hour. Want a loaf of bread for morning toast? ....Well then go to the bakery. UNLESS youwant me to make this wheat and molasses flavored loaf. Its easy, and yeast free.
I've been enjoying this sucker toasted, smeared with currant preserves, and dunked in tea. If your inner old woman isnt as active as mine, I think that thick slices of this would work great as the foundation to turkey sandwiches, because the molasses is just a little bit sweet. This bread is dense, so not too many toppings would be needed. You can make like my dearest friend Samantha and spread the bread with apple jelly and top it with leftover roasted onions, I think it would be delicious.
I would remove the bread from the pan as soon as your fingers can stand it to avoid getting that slimy skin on top (sort of like the banana bread) if you line your pan with parchment paper, leave the sides a bit long and then hoist it right out of the pan and onto a wire rack. then get out of your kitchen so you aren't tempted to pick at it. Or don't, and eat a slice still alarmingly warm with butter.
I won't post the recipe here, because I didnt adapt it, at all. Its the fear of baking thing...Gets me everytime. Next time I might top the loaf wiuth some oats, because Im fixated on starch. Other than that, its pretty delicious for the yeast-phobic, and it might delay my learning to bake a yeast based sandwich or toasting bread just a little longer.
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