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Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekend Food: Halloween Edition...

Our best trick or treater, by far, was the little boy dressed as Santa. Hilarious. This weekend I 'roasted' a chicken in my crockpot, atop some carrots and small potatoes. It fed us pretty much all weekend, reinventing itself into a chicken and pasta tossed with walnut parsley pesto, and then a chicken stew topped with parsley studded biscuits. The stew didn't turn out as beautiful as I had hopped but it was delicious, and while the man and I took turns handing out candy to Boba Fett(s) and princesses we sat around the kitchen eating (multiple) bowls of the stuff and watching what could be called the most ridiculously bland vampire movie ever... Tonight I'll be turning our pumpkin seeds into a roasted snack, (I was told they need a day to dry out) and eating another solo dinner, (hopefully not just candy!) since the man is out of the house...any suggestions?


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