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Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Having Some Technical Difficulty. Not the kind that can be blamed on Computers, either.

Its been hard to find the time to sit down and write about all the things that have been going on here. Cooking has been intermittent, and mostly includes plopping things into a slow cooker on Saturdays and eating it for the next few days, in some incarnation or another. Two separate frozen pizzas have been eaten this week alone. This is not something that usually happens in Kitchen 75. As the holidays approach, I am working on seeking out the personal time needed to decompress, to gather my thoughts, and to put them to (digital) paper here. Writing here is important to me, its not just a place for recipes, or a catalog of meals shared. With every entry, a piece of my own personal history is recorded, (for what its worth) and for everyone that reads along, thank you. I'm hoping to get on the horse, as they say (or in front of the stove, in actuality) and share with you the things that have been swirling around in my head. Coming soon are the recipes for freezer-friendly holiday cookies, an attempt at bread baked with yeast (I have to try it sometime!) and more of the usual, tasty, interesting fare.


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