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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Good News

The movement to limit 'Factory Farming' is gaining momentum. you can read more here.

What does this mean? It means cleaner, healthier existence for the animals that we eat. It means less antibiotics in your food, which is NEVER a bad thing. 

On the other side of the coin, it could mean a hike in meat and egg prices. I but cage free eggs already, and I only buy meat when its on sale, although we don't exclusively  buy organic meat...yet. It will take some finagling of our rather restrictive budget to make that a reality, but its in the works. The man will not survive without the occasional chicken dinner, so we will learn to work around any increase in price.

Its interesting to me that standards for all of the animals / animal products we consume could be judged not only by their quality, but by the quality of life that they cam from.


Unknown said...

Thanks for linking to such an interesting article!

You might be suprised to find that organic meats are not always that much more expensive then conventional.

I have also found that if you don't mind freezing the meat, you can stock up on the organic stuff when its on sale and just use as needed. My husband and I don't eat all that much meat, so when I stock up, it tends to last a while.

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